Biko Emotional Wellness Centre

Remote Biko Method Sessions

Work alongside our expert Emotional Footprint coaches to alleviate pain, work on mental health issues, and find your emotional wellbeing.

Live Better Longer

We work to bring awareness to the main influence that contributes to emotional pain and suffering by identifying and releasing your subconscious from Emotional Footprints using the Biko Method.


Learn how to use the Biko Method on your own! Improve your mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Learn With Us

Learn about the Biko Method and it's benefits, how it effects Emotional Footprints, and learn about yourself.

Our Focus

Bringing Awareness To Emotional Footprints

Here at the Biko Emotional Wellness Centre, our focus is to bring awareness to the main influence that contributes to emotional pain and suffering; the subconscious Emotional Footprint program.

This aspect of the subconscious cannot be understated. It is at the core of all of our triggers, reactions, unwanted emotions and patterns in our life. Our work here is intended to provide education, clarity, relief, solutions and a direction for anyone looking to better their life or just looking for peace and emotional stability.

Our Approach

A Full Experience

All of our services here at the Biko Emotional Wellness Centre are geared around the subconscious and how it affects our experience, mainly through Emotional Footprints.

The foundation of our Programs and courses, The Biko Method, private counseling sessions, The Flame Technique and all of our tools and exercises are built around understanding and releasing Emotional Footprints.

As well as educating others on how to grow and evolve to higher levels of consciousness. We understand that Emotional Footprints will always hinder that forward momentum. That is why we have devoted our time and energy in this direction, with this approach.


To develop effective methods to

improve the mental health and

wellbeing of our communities.


What is an Emotional Footprint?

If you think that you are Emotional Footprint free, guess again! Emotional Footprints affect us all, and in every area of our life. They are subconscious programs that bring our attention to our false beliefs; and they use our emotions, our mental states and repeated unwanted patterns to do this. If your life is not giving you the joy that you know you deserve, now you know why. Learn more about how this system works in our free informational booklet.


What is the Biko Method?

The Biko Method is a process that’s been developed to help individuals suffering from mental and emotional instability, work through their own personalized process of releasing their Emotional Footprints and give them lasting relief. The intention behind this process is to connect with the subconscious mind, locate the program that was created and then release it through the Biko Method.


The Biko Method Essentials Course

Learn how you can work directly with your subconscious to remove the Emotional Footprint programs that shape your life. The Biko Method Essentials Course is designed to not only teach you about your subconscious, but to also show you how easy it can be to change how you feel permanently through the use of the Biko Method.

Book A One-On-One Session

Take your personal health journey into your own hands and reach out to an Emotional Footprint Coach for a one-on-one conversation and get the help you've been searching for.

Want to get to know us a little bit first?

Schedule a quick free phone call consultation and speak directly with a Biko institute Team Member, learn about the Biko Method, it's benefits and what programs we have available for our clients.


What Our Clients Say

"Learning about the Emotional Footprint
and how it affects me has changed everything about how I see the world. It's actually kinda crazy."


"The Biko Method helps me relax, de-stress and think more deeply about why I feel the way I do sometimes. I'm grateful for what doors it has opened for me."


"I just wanted to reach out and say thank you! I was in a hard place, and I didn't know who to talk to. You really helped me get through a hard time."


Learning Center

Biko Method Essentials Course

The Biko Method Essentials Course is the all inclusive package learning about your Emotional Footprint program, the Rogue Emotions that plague our lives, and the method we can use to alleviate them.

Latest Articles

Learn How To Finally Let Go Of What You Tell Yourself!

Letting Go Of An Old Way Of Life

Letting Go Of Control

Needing To Know - And How To Let That Go

Letting Go Of Heartache

Holding On

Learn how to use the Biko Method yourself

Start your journey today. Take the Biko Method Essentials Course.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an emotional Footprint Program?

What is the Biko Emotional Wellness Centre?

What’s the difference between an Emotional Footprint vs an emotion vs a feeling?

Emotions are more of a guide than an unwanted experience and feelings are a build up of energy that brings your attention to this guide. Feelings are typically associated with Rogue emotions. When you’re lost in the feelings alone, there’s no place to go for relief. This is why many people avoid how they are feeling and become reactive or worse turn to abusive behaviors such as drinking or other addictions. By separating the feelings that you are experiencing from your emotions, you develop awareness and direction.

You go from an autopilot reaction to a conscious action and decision. There’s usually more to the story around an autopilot reaction that happens when you avoid facing your feelings. This story is what we want to bring your attention to. By separating your feelings from your emotions you allow yourself to see a larger picture. One that entails a back story of some sort.

People typically react because of their past experiences or experiences that they’ve witnessed happen to someone else or been taught a belief by someone influential to them. There’s basically a story playing in the background. When the feelings around the emotion being felt are removed, you are able to address the emotions itself. This is powerful because it allows you to see what that particular emotion is directing you to.

By being conscious of your emotions, you naturally begin to see why you might be feeling the way that you are and then move in that direction to ultimately give yourself emotional peace. Which brings us to the Emotional Footprint program. Emotions acting as guides directing us to something within us applies to the Rogue emotion. The unprocessed emotion that occurred in a past experience. The Emotional Footprint uses Rogue emotions as a signpost to bring your attention to a belief that is hurting you or a story that you may be telling yourself that is inaccurate.

The difference between a Rogue emotion and regular emotion is that regular emotions are new, uncharged from past experiences, and free to leave once processed and fully experienced. It’s a rich experience that’s heartfelt and natural. While a Rogue emotions are unprocessed emotions. They could not be fully felt in the moment that they occurred and thus they became part of the Emotional Footprint program. They are used by this program to show you what beliefs you are holding onto so that you can change them. Once a Rogue emotion is created, it will continue to surface until you have satisfied the Emotional Footprint program that it is associated with.

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How do Emotional Footprints connect to a root experience? How do they compound?

Picture a Family Tree; At 3 years old you have an initial core experience that threatens your early childhood core beliefs associated with unconditional love. This experience created 3 emotional footprints. Each of those Emotional Footprints then branches out and attracts experiences of their own that may be closely connected to the core experience, but also slightly different.

If you don’t authentically change your beliefs and adopt a new perspective from these secondary experiences, thereby satisfying the Emotional Footprint programs, you’ll most likely end up creating more emotional footprints that then stem from each of those secondary experiences and so forth. This will continue to happen until the Emotional footprint programs have been satisfied and deleted.

This is why so many of us have a lot of Emotional Footprints and struggle with emotional wellbeing. When Emotional Footprints compound in this way, it adds an additional emotional charge/component to the emotional footprint program. Emotional Footprint is not the thought or belief, but the felt emotion that is triggered by them. The original stored emotion or Rogue emotion that is stored in the Emotional Footprint program has a stronger charge now as it has new compounding Rogue emotions associated with it that it never had before.

This is also why it can feel almost impossible to not react to a situation. In many cases, people do not hold back and let that energy control their actions.

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